If you use Surefish Search everytime you want to search the internet then you'll raise money for Christian Aid. It's easy.
Steve Caldwell says "The problem here isn't humanism vs. theism for theist Unitarian Universalists -- it's the non-creedal nature of Unitarian Universalism" This is a good point. We need to think much more deeply about what it means to be a non-creedal religion. The first thing I want to say is that there is more than one possible understanding of non-creedalism. The Disciples of Christ are a non-creedal church, they say here : " Freedom of belief. Disciples are called together around one essential of faith: belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Persons are free to follow their consciences guided by the Bible, the Holy Spirit study and prayer, and are expected to extend that freedom to others." Quakers are also non-creedal and say here : Quakers have no set creed or dogma - that means we do not have any declared statements which you have to believe to be a Quaker. There are, however, some commonly held views which unite us. One accepted view is that th...
The web form posts itself directly to ask.com, so the only people who know you have searched are ask.com themselves (your web browser sends no data to Surefish at all when you search).
Not only that, I cannot see any source of revenue whatsoever, other than ask.com's normal adverts.
In short, the only way this could work is if Surefish or Christian Aid have convinced ask.com to donate portions of their own advertising revenue to Christian Aid whenever they receive an HTTP_REFERER from surefish.co.uk. Which I doubt.