I moved to Cardiff to become a pioneer minister because I wanted to face the coming culture head-on.
If we're moving to a post-religious culture in western Europe I want to face it head-on.
If the future is empty church buildings being turned into restaurants and climbing wall centres, then I want to face it head-on.
If we're heading into the least religious culture planet Earth has ever seen, then I want to be fully immersed in that culture.
If the future of the church is 5 people meeting in a living room, then I want to start doing that now.
I don't want to spend the next 40 years serving a conventional church and seeing it slowly decline.
I don't want to spend my career managing decline.
If the future of religion is being a tiny tiny minority in a non-religious indifferent post-Christendom culture then I want to start working out how to do that now.
I don't want to try to outrun the coming tide of non-religious culture. I don't want to spend my life running away from it, with it slowly catching up with me over decades.
I want to run towards the coming non-religious culture. I want to face it head-on and run directly into it.
This is why I choose to leave a relatively healthy, relatively large congregation for a tiny one struggling to survive. Why I am investing most of my time in pioneer ministry to the unchurched culture of a large modern city.
It's because if this culture-change is coming I want to live in it right now, and work out where the calling of God is in it.
If we're moving to a post-religious culture in western Europe I want to face it head-on.
If the future is empty church buildings being turned into restaurants and climbing wall centres, then I want to face it head-on.
If we're heading into the least religious culture planet Earth has ever seen, then I want to be fully immersed in that culture.
If the future of the church is 5 people meeting in a living room, then I want to start doing that now.
I don't want to spend the next 40 years serving a conventional church and seeing it slowly decline.
I don't want to spend my career managing decline.
If the future of religion is being a tiny tiny minority in a non-religious indifferent post-Christendom culture then I want to start working out how to do that now.
I don't want to try to outrun the coming tide of non-religious culture. I don't want to spend my life running away from it, with it slowly catching up with me over decades.
I want to run towards the coming non-religious culture. I want to face it head-on and run directly into it.
This is why I choose to leave a relatively healthy, relatively large congregation for a tiny one struggling to survive. Why I am investing most of my time in pioneer ministry to the unchurched culture of a large modern city.
It's because if this culture-change is coming I want to live in it right now, and work out where the calling of God is in it.