The following words are a slightly extended version of the words I spoke as part of a performance event called “A New Mecca” marking the eightieth anniversary of the opening of the Temple of Peace and Health in Cardiff on 23rd November 2018. If there's one thing that struck me about the opening ceremony of the Temple of Peace in 1938 is that it's basically a Christian service. There's Bible readings and there's prayers and there's hymns. It's a perfect example of what we call Christendom – where church, and state power, and culture are seen as being in alignment: one God, one power, one empire, one culture, one story. Of course it was never that simple, there were always different realities, different stories. But only one story got told. When this place was opened – this was the one story that they told. Eighty years later that reality has been fractured. Some may regret it, but the truth cannot be denied. And today some of us look back with...
Seeking paradise in Cardiff