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Showing posts from December, 2006

Change of tense, gender

At the start is the Word, and the Word is with God, and the Word is God. She is at the start with God. All things come into being through her, and without her not one thing comes into being. What comes into being in her is life, and the life is the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not overcome it... The true light, which enlightens everyone, is coming into the world. She is in the world, and the world comes into being through her; yet the world does not know her. She comes to what is her own, and her own people do not accept her. But to all who received her, who believe in her name, she gives power to become children of God, who are born, not of blood or of the will of the flesh or of the will of humans, but of God. And the Word becomes flesh and lives among us, and we can see her glory.

Good graffiti

Sitting on the bus today I looked across to a billboard that said something like: "Looking good isn't important It's everything." Which is a horrible message. What I loved was that someone had graffitied it so that it read: "Looking good isn't important Love is everything." Which I must say I thoroughly approved of. I'm trying to work out if this makes me an anarchist or a romantic. Possibly it makes me a Christian.

I'm a Servetian

I've always had some envy of Quakers who have a strong sense of who their founder was - George Fox - and all Quakers know that and still talk about Fox. Unitarians have less of a sense of a founder, and this gives us less of a sense of identity. Recently though I've started to read more about Michael Servetus . And I've started to really warm to the idea that he is our founder, and should be viewed as such. True, he didn't start a community, but then, neither did Jesus. True he wasn't perfect, but then, neither was Jesus. I've recently gained more insights into Servetus that I didn't appreciate before. He was an ethnic minority as a dark-skinned Spanniad in France. He was a healer as he worked as a doctor. He read the Qur'an, and possibly read Arabic, and had a very positive approach to Jews and Muslims. He suffered a death for what he believed in, much like Jesus and Al Hallaj . But mostly I love his mysticism, his sense of God within, that I'm begi...