I've decided to write down the principles of the work that I do in Cardiff. These are not necessarily in order of importance but simply the order that they have occurred to me. The work, that I feel called by God to do in Cardiff, is a kind of pioneer ministry, community ministry, spirit-led activism. It works by a number of practices and principles that I have developed, borrowed from others, learnt from books, or made up as I've gone along! These principles might change as I am always learning and adapting, but these are my foundations right now. The first principle of the work is the hyper-local. The first practice of my ministry is to live where I live - in Riverside. And to be a neighbour, a resident, a citizen, of my street, of my neighbourhood, of my city. Riverside is just a few thousand households, you can walk from one end to the other in 15 minutes. Yet it contains multitudes - different identities, classes, ethnicities, ages. But as an example of the principle of...
Seeking paradise in Cardiff